What’s next with a new Government

24.05.22 By
This article is more than 2 years old

Wow, what an election weekend!

Voters across the country have come together to send a strong message: it’s time to radically reset our nation’s response to the climate crisis. ABC’s Vote compass shows that climate change was a top issue across the country, from the cities, through the suburbs, to the regions. In almost 90% of electorates, climate change was rated as the most important issue by more than one in five people. 

In last weekend’s federal election, candidates championing strong climate action were rewarded while political fallout followed those who failed to answer the public’s cry for action. 

This became clear as many electorates hit by recent climate-fuelled disasters such as Richmond, Macquarie, Gilmore and Eden Monaro swung away from the Coalition and towards those championing stronger climate action

Read our full report on The 2022 Climate Election: unpacking how climate concerned Australians voted

While Senate votes are still being tallied, the Senate is also predicted to have a climate action-friendly majority with candidates who ran on strong climate platforms performing well. 

Now we look to the incoming Labor Government to step up to the most significant challenge and opportunity that our country faces, and call on the government to:

1. Turn Australia into a climate leader

2. Prepare Australia for worsening extreme weather

3. Improve existing energy policies

4. End government support for fossil fuel expansion

5. Strengthen transparency and accountability

“All Australians will be watching to make sure this is done. The Climate Council will be with them every step of the way, keeping this new Labor Government accountable for delivering climate action now.”

CEO of the Climate Council, Amanda McKenzie

The first opportunity for the new government to repair the nation’s climate reputation is be on the world stage this week at the Quad leaders Summit in Tokyo, where leaders from the US, Japan and India will discuss climate change, health and security. The Quad countries have established a climate working group to cut emissions in the Indo-Pacific, and help countries in the region respond to the climate crisis.

“We are well-placed to be a renewable superpower in the region. As one of the sunniest and windiest places on the planet – we should be cashing in on supplying growing economies with our clean energy, minerals and products.” 

Dr Wesley Morgan, Climate Council Researcher, climate diplomacy expert and research fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute

“We have collectively put years of our lives into working for a safer climate for our children and grandchildren and now we find ourselves in a new operating environment – one where we can look forward to working with the government of the day, rather than being constantly at war. 

Professor Lesley Hughes, Distinguished Professor of Biology and the IPCC’s 4th and 5th Assessment Report Lead Author

We have plenty of work ahead of us, and a plan for a better future with detailed steps on how to get Australia there. 

Find our complete recommendations in the Climate Council’s Climate Policies for a Sensible Government policy briefing.

Read the Climate Council’s detailed assessment of the Labor Party’s climate policies.