Donations Policy
- The Climate Council is grateful for the support of our generous in-kind and financial donors. As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on donations from the public, and we commit to use those donations efficiently.
- The Climate Council is independent and apolitical. We accept donations only for the purposes of the Council; we will not allow any donation to dictate our positions and priorities, nor compromise our independence and dedication to our mission.
- The Climate Council may refuse or refund donations at any time.
- The acceptance of any donation by Climate Council does not imply endorsement of other activities, undertakings or processes of the donor.
- Any donations solicited or accepted on behalf of the Climate Council by Councillors or staff must be used for Climate Council endorsed activities.
- Any donations accepted on behalf of the Climate Council should be directed to the Climate Council of Australia Fund (or Climate Council of Australia Ltd) and not to individual Councillors or staff. They will be directly deposited into the Climate Council of Australia Fund bank account.
Refunds Policy
- The Climate Council will consider all requests for refunds and endeavour to ensure that genuine errors are rectified. However, the Climate Council is under no obligation to give refunds, and the decision to provide a refund will be made at the Climate Council’s discretion.
- The Climate Council will consider requests for refunds for donations made within 60 days of the date of the donation.
- To request a refund, please email
- Refunds will be returned using the original method of payment, and the Climate Council reserves the right to pass on any refund transaction fees to the donor.