Raising standards, cutting costs: How a new vehicle standard can reduce vehicle emissions and save consumers money

04.07.23 By
This content is more than one year old

The Climate Council and Electric Vehicle Council commissioned new analysis to examine the potential impact of introducing Fuel Efficiency Standards in Australia

The analysis found that Australians could collectively share in up to $13.6 billion in net benefits by 2035 from reduced vehicle running costs, cleaner air and less environmental damage if we design new fuel efficiency standards well. 

Importantly, strong fuel efficiency standards would result in up to 31 million fewer tonnes of harmful pollution over the next decade, and rapidly increase the number of low and zero emissions vehicles available to buy.

Australia is lagging behind as one of the only wealthy countries lacking fuel efficiency standards, which already cover 80 percent of the global car market.

It’s time the Australian Government puts the pedal to the metal on delivering strong fuel efficiency standards. Read Climate Council’s recommendations on how to do so here

FES analysis report cover