Look mum, we’re actually doing it! AEMO confirms clean energy is powering up our grid

29.08.24 By

RENEWABLE ENERGY like solar and wind is providing 40% of the electricity in Australia’s main grid, and there’s a strong pipeline of new projects on the way, according to the latest outlook from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

Climate Council Head of Policy and Advocacy Dr Jennifer Rayner said: “The energy operator has confirmed that if we get on with building all the clean energy projects planned then Australia can power past the polluting coal-fired generators. 

“In the past twelve months, we’ve seen positive progress on rooftop solar, transmission lines, big batteries and more clean energy projects boosting reliable energy supply. 

“This Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) is proof that the system works when governments and investors work together to get clean energy projects rolling out on time. It’s a clear signal to keep accelerating the work that’s underway to charge up our clean energy grid.” 

“Renewables backed by batteries are now providing reliable power to a large chunk of our homes and businesses every day, and the role of renewables is growing all the time. In South Australia, the share of clean energy in the grid is close to 80% and Tasmania is nearly 100% powered by renewables.”

Dr Rayner said AEMO has also recognised the pivotal role of home solar and batteries in our energy system: “Around 3.6 million households are already enjoying the benefits of rooftop solar: lower bills, less pollution and more control. The energy operator is right that rolling out solar and storage to millions more homes in a coordinated way is a huge opportunity to cut costs of living for more families and secure even more reliable energy. This should be a top priority for all politicians at the coming federal election.”

“If we slow or delay the roll out of clean energy then the market operator warns that the risk of blackouts and brownouts will rise, as coal-fired power stations break down and shut down. Australia is well on the path to a reliable and clean electricity system, so let’s keep powering ahead.”

For interviews please contact Jacqui Street at the Climate Council Media Team jacqui.street@climatecouncil.org.au / 0498 188 528 

Or media@climatecouncil.org.au or call 0485 863 063

The Climate Council is Australia’s leading community-funded climate change communications organisation. We provide authoritative, expert and evidence-based advice on climate change to journalists, policymakers, and the wider Australian community.

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