Call for better access campaign

You should be able to enjoy the benefits of cheaper, cleaner transport. But instead you have to sit in traffic on congested, noisy, and dirty streets.

We think you deserve better!

Our car-centric transport system is one of Australia’s biggest sources of climate pollution. What’s more, cars are one of the biggest regular expenses for Aussie households, costing more than $20,000 a year on average to run and maintain.

But without better bus and train services in our suburbs, and more safe paths for walking, rolling and riding, people like you in our middle and outer suburbs are stuck using a car for nearly all trips. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s what you can do to help bring better transport options to your area.

Use our easy tool to email your State Transport Minister today and ask them to invest in the infrastructure and services that will make it possible for you to choose shared and active transport options for more trips, more often.

Want to learn more about our work advocating for clean transport? Check out our report: Next Stop Suburbia: Making Shared Transport Work for Everyone in Aussie Cities