Has your Federal MP signed the Community Protection Pledge?

17.09.21 By
This article is more than 3 years old

Here in Australia, we are experiencing extreme weather events more frequently and more intensely than ever before, exacerbated by climate change. 

Australian communities are paying the price, with some communities facing a cascade of disasters.
The Community Protection Pledge is a set of 10 commitments that every Federal MP can sign to commit to protecting Australians now, and into the future. This includes urgently implementing all recommendations of the Royal Commission, helping communities prepare before a disaster strikes and improving infrastructure and homes to better resist extreme weather events. This is what the experts say is needed to match the scale of the challenge in front of us.

Here are some of the Federal MPs who have committed to protecting their communities from worsening extreme weather. Don’t see your member on the list? Click here to check if your MP has made the pledge, or send them an email asking them to do so!

Can’t see your member on the list? Click here to check if your MP has made the pledge, or send them an email asking them to do so!