5 Climate Actions You Can Take From Your Bedroom

02.04.20 By
This content is more than 4 years old

We may be keeping ourselves at a safe distance at the moment, but we’re all in this together – and that goes for the climate too. From upskilling yourself on the science, to having meaningful conversations with your friends about climate impacts and solutions (via video calls, of course!), there are plenty of actions you can take from your own bedroom to make an impact on climate change.

Here are five ideas to get you started!

1. Get friendly with the facts

Climate action number 1 - get friendly with the facts.

Here are some helpful resources for you to read to get you started on your climate-knowledge-building journey!

– If you’re going to read one thing, make sure it’s this: What is climate change and what can we do about it? This is your comprehensive guide to climate change, based on the most up-to-date science and most frequently asked questions.

– Climate change is at the heart of worsening bushfires in Australia. Watch this video to get the low down on how climate change is influencing bushfire conditions in Aus.

– Check out our recent report ‘Summer of Crisis‘ for a comprehensive analysis of the devastating climate impacts Australians experienced during the summer of 2019-2020.

2. Email your MP

Climate action number 2: email your MP.

Our MPs are there to listen to the views of the public, understand your perspective, and represent you in Parliament. The more people who contact their local MP on a given topic (e.g. climate change), the more likely this matter will be raised. We’ve put together this handy guide for how you can write an effective letter to your MP.

3. Share powerful content on social media

Climate Action number three: Share powerful content on social media

At the Climate Council, we have a strong social media presence and use our platforms to connect with, educate and engage Australians on climate change issues and solutions. Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.

4. Have a conversation

Chatting with your friends and family about climate change, its impacts and its solutions is a powerful way to inspire others to engage with the issue. We have created a range of conversation guides to help you navigate some tricky questions and arm you with the facts.

Explaining the link between bushfires and climate change

Explaining climate change and weather

Summer BBQ guide: talking energy

 Climate Action number four and fice: Have a conversation and Join the Climate Council mailing list.

5. Join the Climate Council mailing list

Australia needs to take urgent action on climate change today, and at the Climate Council, we are leading the way. Whether it’s tackling misinformation with hard-hitting research, giving Australians the opportunity to take action and change the national conversation or working with cities and communities to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, you can be part of a national movement to propel climate action.

Sign up to become a member of the Climate Council and we will send you alerts to take action on important campaigns, give you access to our latest research fresh off the press, invite you to events and forums, and ask you to join our projects. This means you’ll be the first to know about our latest work.

Can you chip in to power our important work in pushing for climate action in Australia today?