Climate Critical To Energy Blueprint

13.10.17 By
This content is more than 7 years old

In response to reports of the forthcoming future energy blueprint, the Climate Council is calling on the Federal Government to ensure that tackling climate change is central to any strategy that is set out.

“Australia has one of the most polluting energy systems in the world. We are also the sunniest country in the world and one of the windiest. We have the answers, and we have the technology. All the experts agree: the cheapest way to cut pollution and protect Australians from worsening climate impacts is ramping up renewable energy, storage and energy efficiency,” said Climate Council CEO, Amanda McKenzie.

“The test of the Government’s energy plan is will it reduce pollution and prices and help build a 21st century energy system based on new technologies?

“An energy plan that fails to tackle climate change just kicks the can down the road. Australia’s energy system is aging, inefficient and needs to be brought into the 21st century. There is a global technological revolution to clean technology with prices of solar, wind and batteries plummeting. Meanwhile, extreme weather, like fires, hurricanes and extreme heat are being exacerbated world-wide. To double down on coal in 2017 would be a grave mistake.”

McKenzie pointed to public support for a Clean Energy Target, with a recent Climate Council poll showing three quarters of Australians (77%) recognised the importance of a CET.

“The Federal Government has a responsibility to tackle climate change. Adoption of a Clean Energy Target is essential for Australia to move forward and take charge of its frozen energy and climate policy, to ensure strong investment in renewables beyond 2020,” said Climate Council CEO, Amanda McKenzie.

“And any policy must be clean to both tackle pollution and prices.”


For more information please contact Head of Communications Nick Hay on 0438 972 260 or visit the Climate Council website.