Seven of the funniest transport videos

19.09.18 By
This article is more than 6 years old

This week we released our Waiting for the Green Light: Transport Solutions to Climate Change report and unfortunately for us, Australia is stuck in the slow lane! With 9 out of 10 Aussies commuting by car, transport is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas pollution in Australia.

Here are seven of our favourite transport ads, highlighting the agony and ecstasy associated with the ways in which we get from A to B.

We’ve also come to terms with the fact that kiwi ads are just so much funnier than ours…

  1. This Danish bus ad is quite possibly the greatest ad ever. Can you think of a better one? We’ll wait.
  2. Ahhh… one of Australia’s finest reminding us to be safe when using public transport. How long did it take you to shake this earworm the first time you heard it?
  3. A NZ transport safety advert featuring some sweet sweet Lionel Richie.
  4. A waddle of penguins teaching us a thing or two about the perks of public transport.
  5. It’s decision time for Valerie…
  6. Easy on the brakes, bru! A friendly reminder from across the ditch.
  7. And finally, everyone’s favourite. “You know I can’t grab your ghost chips!”