SOUTH AUSTRALIA remains ahead of the pack when it comes to the nation’s clean energy race, with plans to increase the state’s renewables target, while also rolling out a new storage target, in what would be an Australian first.
Climate Councillor and energy expert Professor Andrew Stock said the South Australian Government’s proposals mean the state would increase its Renewable Energy Target to 75 percent by 2025, making it one of the highest in the country, while also introducing a new storage target.
“South Australia is really raising the stakes when it comes to Australia’s renewables and energy storage race,” he said.
“The state is already on track to reach its original target of 50 per cent renewable sources 7 years ahead of schedule and is now increasing this target even further. This is another step in the right direction towards tackling climate change.”
“This means that South Australia will receive around three quarters of its electricity from clean, affordable and reliable renewable energy, such as wind and solar by 2025.”
South Australia is already home to the world’s most powerful battery, and now plan to introduce Australia’s first energy storage target. Image via RenewEconomy
The announcements include plans for South Australia to create a Renewable Storage Target of 25 per cent by 2025.
“The proposal to rollout Australia’s first energy storage target forms a significant clean energy combination.
“This is a natural step for South Australia, following the switch-on of the world’s most powerful battery and the construction of the nation’s first solar thermal plant and virtual power station.”
Stock called on the rest of the nation to continue to follow South Australia’s leadership when it comes to embracing Australia’s transition to a 21st century electricity grid.
“South Australia is among states and territories leading the charge in the nation’s clean energy race, but unfortunately the Federal Government remains stuck in the stalls with an inadequate National Energy Guarantee.”
“The Federal Government must move to implement strong and credible climate and energy policy to encourage Australia’s transition to renewable energy and storage technology, in a bid to cut our rising pollution levels and tackle climate change.”