New Poll: Public Speak Out On Energy Inaction

02.10.17 By
This content is more than 6 years old

A new poll released today by the Climate Council shows that three quarters of Australians (77%) recognise the importance of a Clean Energy Target (CET).

To incentivise new types of energy, at lower cost, Australia’s Chief Scientist Alan Finkel recommended that the Government must implement a CET. The new poll shows that public support for a CET is present across the political spectrum – and felt most strongly by young people.

When asked if it’s important for the Government to implement a CET:

“The public opinion is very clear – renewable energy technologies are the most affordable, reliable, way to power our 21st century economy. Every day that national action is delayed is a day wasted,” added Amanda McKenzie.

To provide affordable, reliable, clean power, Australia’s Chief Scientist Alan Finkel also recommended that the Government sets-out a clear, long-term energy policy. However, more than half of Australians (56%) do not believe the Federal Government has a long-term plan in place for energy.

Once again, concern that a clear energy plan is still not in place spans political preferences and ages. Nearly half of Liberal voters (41%) and three quarters of Labour voters (75%) said the Government does not have a clear long-term energy policy in place.

“The lack of policy planning on energy, has led to years of price increases, supply concerns and rising pollution; creating a crisis of trust amongst the public.” said Amanda McKenzie, CEO, the Climate Council.

25-34 year olds were found to be the most frustrated by the lack of policy – two thirds (66%) of that age group do not believe the Turnbull Government has a clear long-term energy policy in place.

ReachTEL conducted the survey of 2,176 residents across Australia on the 20th September 2017, on behalf of the Climate Council.

Media contact: Nick Hay on or 0438 972 260.

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