More Renewable Energy, More Jobs for VIC

02.09.20 By
This content is more than 4 years old

A HUGE AMOUNT of renewable energy is on the cards for Victoria, which will boost the economy and create jobs.

The Climate Council welcomes the Victorian Government’s 600MW renewable energy reverse auction announcement, which will attract investment throughout regional Victoria, create jobs, and set the state on a path to a clean recovery.

“Victoria has been hit hard by COVID-19, and investing in clean jobs will help the state’s economy to bounce back as it begins to reopen in the coming months,” said Climate Council senior researcher, Tim Baxter.

“More renewable energy means more jobs – and right now that’s exactly what Victoria needs,” he said.

“Investing in wind and solar will set Victoria on the path to hitting 50 percent renewable energy by 2030, driving down greenhouse gas emissions,” said Mr Baxter.

“The Climate Council’s Clean Jobs Plan found that supporting large-scale wind and solar could create up to 4,000 jobs in Victoria, rapidly getting people back into the workforce while also tackling climate change,” he said.

“We hope Victoria will continue to show leadership, by announcing more policies that will generate thousands of jobs across the state whilst cutting emissions,” said Mr Baxter.

For interviews please contact Communications Advisor, Brianna Hudson on 0455 238 875.

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