Your Renewable Shopping List

20.12.18 By
This article is more than 5 years old

Want to host your own renewable feast for the festive season? We’ve listed a bunch of Australian and NZ products in our shopping list to get you started.

Some standout brands include: 

Meredith Dairy, Victoria

Producing delicious cheeses, yoghurt and milk requires a lot of heat and energy, which is why Meredith Dairy in regional Victoria has installed 99kW of solar.  It also purchases 100% accredited GreenPower from the grid.

Sundrop Farms, South Australia

In the middle of the SA desert, Sundrop Farms is producing 15,000 tonnes of truss tomatoes every year for Coles supermarkets across the country.

How are they doing it? With solar thermal energy.

Bakers Maison, New South Wales

This is a feel-good community solar story.

Bakers Maison installed 100kW of solar thanks to its community, which  chipped in almost $400,000 to fund the project.

This type of renewable energy installment is perfect for companies which cannot afford the upfront costs. Community investors receive a return on their investment.

Carlton and United Breweries, Victoria

Australia’s biggest brewery, CUB is making the shift to renewable power.

Part of the global corporation, Anheuser-Busch InBev, CUB is part of the RE100 program which includes over 150 of the world’s largest global businesses that have committed to powering their operations with 100% renewable electricity.

This RE100 program includes corporations like Apple, IKEA, Burberry, Coca Cola, Ebay, Facebook, H&M, Lego, Nike, Microsoft and Mars Australia.




For more information on food and beverage producers leading the way, check out our latest report: A Renewable Feast.