WESTERN AUSTRALIANS WOULD benefit from new jobs, growing industries and cheaper power under a plan proposed by the WA State Opposition that would also protect people from worsening climate impacts.
Under the Liberal Opposition’s plan unveiled today, WA would:
- Be powering its largest grid entirely with renewable energy by 2030, including the phasing out of all government-owned coal-fired power stations within five years
- Have a state government that operates with net zero emissions by 2030
- Get around on a clean public transport system by 2030
- Benefit from new jobs, and cheaper power with 4500 megawatts of new solar and wind by 2030
Former West Australian and energy expert Climate Councillor Greg Bourne said a low-carbon global economy presents a huge opportunity for Western Australia, which could become a major exporter of rare earth minerals, renewable hydrogen and green steel.
“Lithium is in demand. Nickel is in demand. Western Australia can cash in on the growing, global demand for rare minerals, as well its endless supply of sun and wind. All Western Australians will benefit from a state government that invests in clean industries that are rapidly growing,” said Mr Bourne.
The Climate Council’s Clean Jobs Plan found 10,000 jobs could be created in Western Australia, while also tackling climate change, primarily through ecosystem restoration and revegetation, and large-scale renewable energy, transmission and storage.
Mr Bourne said there was plenty of room for improvement on the Liberal Opposition plan, which only covered government, transport and electricity emissions. He said all parts of the economy need to make swift and deep emissions cuts, with Australian states and territories now in a race to see who could get there fastest.
“All states and territories are rolling out plans to reach net zero emissions, and the fastest way to get there is going electric and going renewable. The only question is – who will get there first? The faster we reach net zero emissions the quicker we will benefit from cheaper power, quieter streets, cleaner cities and more comfortable homes and workplaces,” said Mr Bourne.
Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie said the risks of climate inaction were too great to ignore.
“All of our major trading partners, and allies, are committed to reaching net zero, and are rapidly stepping up their plans to get there, including the United States and United Kingdom. Many European countries, and now Japan, are actively considering carbon tariffs on countries that aren’t doing enough on climate change like Australia. The world is rapidly changing and we risk missing out on economic opportunities, and being left behind,” she said.
“Australia should be doing its best on climate change, and the Federal Government should be doing all it can to help states and territories, as well as other countries, do the same,” she said.
For interviews please contact Lisa Upton on 0438 972 260
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