Mythbusting: Electricity Prices in South Australia

05.08.16 By
This content is more than 8 years old

In recent months, there have been a number of inaccurate media stories linking high electricity prices in South Australia with the state’s high proportion of wind and solar generation.


However, our new report reveals that electricity price spikes in South Australia have reduced as renewable energy grows.


Key Findings

1. South Australia is a global leader in renewable energy and is much further ahead than the other states in reducing emissions to tackle climate change.

2. Recent short-term increases in South Australia’s wholesale power prices have been driven primarily by a reliance on expensive gas for power and a lack of competition amongst power generators.

3. Renewable energy has dramatically reduced electricity price spikes in South Australia.

4. The key to reducing electricity prices in South Australia is reducing the state’s reliance on expensive gas through increased competition and a smarter, more connected electricity grid.