Reef Funding Welcomed

16.07.20 By
This content is more than 4 years old

THE CLIMATE COUNCIL welcomes news that the Palaszczuk Government is spending $10 million on the Reef Assist program, helping to deliver jobs in Great Barrier Reef catchments.

“$10M for Reef Assist is a fantastic investment. It gets people back to work, while setting us up for the future by restoring our landscapes, protecting the reef and tackling climate change simultaneously. It is a win-win solution,” said the Climate Council’s CEO, Amanda McKenzie.

It is estimated the investment will create 200 jobs including streambank rehabilitation, planting trees, landscaping and pest and weed control.

“It is great to see the Palaszczuk Government recognises the potential of environmental projects like Reef Assist to help the North Queensland economy through the coronavirus crisis,” said Ms McKenzie.

“I encourage the Queensland Government to look at other stimulus measures such as supporting the development of Renewable Energy Zones, which can also create jobs and set us up for the future,” she said.

For interviews please contact Senior Communications Advisor, Lisa Upton on 0438 972 260.

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