Extracting and burning more gas puts Australians in harm’s way. We are already in the grip of a climate crisis having endured the Black Summer bushfires, devastating drought and the third mass bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef in five years. The only way to keep us safe is to transition to renewables as quickly as possible.
The second biggest user of gas in Australia is the gas industry itself, and that is costing all Australians. In 2019, Australia became the world’s largest liquefied gas exporter, with nearly three times as much gas exported than is used in Australia each year. Rising emissions from the gas industry are cancelling out all the gains we have made in building a record amount of solar and wind. More than one quarter of all gas consumed in Australia is burned by the gas industry to liquefy and chill gas for export overseas.
Read more in our report ‘Passing Gas: Why Renewables are the Future’.