New study: fossil fuel production must be phased out in 12 years

23.03.22 By
This content is more than 2 years old

A University of Manchester study into how soon we must phase out all fossil fuels if we’re to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement has found all nations must ‘begin a rapid and just phaseout of fossil fuel production’ immediately. 

Based on the IPCC”s budget for a 50% chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C, the Phaseout Pathways for Fossil Fuel Production Within Paris-compliant Carbon Budgets report has found that: 

Quotes attributable to Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie: 

“This study comes off the back of embarrassing international criticism of Australia’s lack of action on climate change. Earlier this week, the UN Secretary-General took the extraordinary move of singling out Australia as one of “a handful of holdouts”, for refusing to set a meaningful 2030 emission reduction target. 

“The very next day Australia’s Emissions Reduction Minister announced a further $50 million to expand Australia’s gas production. More gas equals more emissions and worsening climate change. Unfortunately this is a pattern from the  Morrison Government: talking up its green credentials, but doing the exact opposite. 

“So many Australians are living through our nation’s worst floods, and the Great Barrier Reef is again experiencing widespread bleaching. If we are to protect ourselves and to give our beloved Reef a fighting chance – we must completely phase-out fossil fuel production by the mid 2030s.

“Last year, the Morrison Government announced a net zero by 2050 target but this isn’t backed up by a credible plan of action. 

“Net zero by 2050 is meaningless without strong and urgent emission cuts this decade. Without effective global action now, including here in Australia, we will experience far more dangerous marine heatwaves, fire weather, extreme rainfall and other devastating impacts.

“Australians are paying a personal price for the Morrison government shirking responsibility on climate change. We need to turbocharge our action on climate and sadly, we are far from it right now.”

For interviews please contact Hannah Izzard 0475 247 754 

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