It Matters What We Do

19.08.19 By
This content is more than 5 years old

AUSTRALIA is one of the largest drivers of climate change globally, a new report has found.

The Australia Institute report, “High Carbon from a Land Down Under”, shows Australia is the world’s third largest exporter of coal, oil and gas, coming in just behind Russia and Saudi Arabia.

“Australia is a deviant on a global scale. It is a significant contributor to climate change,” said the Climate Council’s Head of Research, Dr Martin Rice.

“This report highlights that what Australia does on climate change really matters and, currently, we are not doing our fair share,” he said.

“Australia has the highest emissions per capita of any OECD country. In fact, on a per capita basis, Australia is on par with Saudi Arabia,” said the Climate Council’s CEO, Amanda McKenzie. 

“The Federal Government continues to ignore the intensifying climate crisis. Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions have gone up and up and up for the past five years,” said Ms McKenzie.

“It is understandable why Pacific Island nations are angered by Australia’s lack of action on climate change. But it’s not just the Pacific that is on the frontline of climate change. It’s still winter and yet Australia is experiencing devastating bushfires in NSW as well as the ongoing drought,” said Dr Rice.

“We can’t continue to burn and export fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. We need a transition plan to position Australia to become a global renewables powerhouse and advance a new economy,” he said. 

For interviews please contact Senior Communications Advisor, Lisa Upton on 0438 972 260 or Communications Officer, Brianna Hudson on 0455 238 875. 

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