Gas Plan Stinks

15.09.20 By
This content is more than 4 years old

The Federal Government is making a bad bet on gas, throwing taxpayer funds at a dangerous fossil fuel, when what it needs is a plan to rebuild our economy and protect Australians from long-term threats. 

“The Federal Government is trying to shore up the gas industry which is in a poor financial state. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is decarbonising,” said Climate Councillor and former president of BP Australasia, Greg Bourne. 

Energy Minister Angus Taylor has announced the Federal Government’s Gas Recovery Plan, which reportedly includes the construction of a new gas power station in the NSW Hunter Valley if AGL does not replace its Liddell coal-fired power station.

“This announcement delivers no jobs in the short-term, and will only deliver huge uncertainty into the energy market,” said Mr Bourne.  

“The economic and technological winds of change are driving us towards a renewables-led future – that is where private sector investment dollars are going,” he said. 

“To reduce emissions, reduce power prices, create jobs, and reboot Australia’s economy, we need investment in clean, affordable, reliable renewable energy and storage technologies,” said the Climate Council’s CEO Amanda McKenzie. 

“The Climate Council’s Clean Jobs Plan found that 76,000 jobs can be created across Australia, rapidly getting people back into the workforce while also tackling climate change,” she said. 

“Australia has an enormous opportunity to be a world leader in renewable energy and manufacturing. This is the plan Australia needs,” said Ms Mckenzie. 

For interviews please contact Senior Communications Advisor Lisa Upton on 0438 972 260 Communications Advisor, Brianna Hudson on 0455 238 875. 

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