THE CLIMATE COUNCIL has slammed the Federal Government’s new “energy plan” labelling it “a failure of leadership”, that is likely to lead to higher power prices, poor reliability and worsening carbon pollution for the Australian public.
Climate Councillor and energy expert Andrew Stock said the Federal Government plan lacked any form of modelling, evidence or clear pathway to show how it will improve energy reliability, reduced emissions or affordability.
“This so-called “Energy Guarantee” represents a failure of leadership and lacks the level of detail needed for a serious long-term national plan. It doesn’t compare to the in-depth analysis and clear mechanisms for security and reliability provided by the Finkel Review.”
The energy sector veteran said the Government has ignored the industry’s call for clear targets, as the key to investment.
“This is like doubling down on horse and carts despite the invention of motor vehicles. Renewable energy is here, it is cheaper and cleaner than fossil fuels and clearly the way of the future.”
The Government announced the emission reductions for the electricity sector will be reviewed annually by the Energy Security Board. Constant reviews will continue uncertainty for investors.
Stock added, “An energy plan that fails to tackle climate change just kicks the can down the road to the States and next Federal Government.”
Stock said the Federal Government’s claim it would improve the energy grid’s reliability by relying on ageing, inefficient and unreliable coal and gas generation was nonsensical.
“After a comprehensive six month consultation process, detailed modelling and technical evaluation, Australia’s Chief Scientist and eminent panel concluded that the Clean Energy Target was the best approach to addressing climate change and driving electricity prices down.
The new plan is so heavily watered down that it won’t cut it.”
“This so-called ‘National Energy Guarantee’ guarantees nothing other than ongoing political chaos, with even higher pollution levels.”
For more information please contact Nick Hay on 0438 972 260.