Climate Council Submission: The NEG fails on all counts

04.07.18 By
This content is more than 6 years old

THE NATIONAL ENERGY GUARANTEE (NEG) falls short across the board when it comes to tackling climate change, according to a Climate Council submission to the Commonwealth Government today.

Climate Councillor and energy sector veteran Professor Andrew Stock said “The Federal Government needs to take decisive action to tackle climate change effectively but the proposed National Energy Guarantee simply isn’t up to the task.”

“The Federal Government’s planned NEG will legislatively lock in woefully inadequategreenhouse gas pollution cuts for electricity out to 2030. This means other major sectors of the economy, like transport, industry and agriculture, will need to do the heavy lifting on emissions reduction if Australia is to have any hope of meeting its Paris commitments,” he said.

“The NEG in its current form risks stifling clean energy investment and could actually result in fewer jobs,”

“The Energy Security Board has projected that the NEG would result in 28-36% renewable energy by 2030. At the lower end of this range, the NEG could result in 6,600 less jobs being created compared to continuing business as usual,” said Professor Stock.

The Climate Council submission highlights a collection of problems and concerns with the National Energy Guarantee, including a weak 2030 target, a lack of a long term pathway to zero emissions and the likely restrictions on states, territories and corporates making additional greenhouse gas pollution cuts (perversely the NEG calls this ‘overachieving’).

“Coal has no future in Australia’s energy mix, with the cost of new coal power stations hugely expensive and fundamentally at odds with cutting Australia’s rising greenhouse gas pollution levels,” said Professor Stock.

Climate Council recommendations include:

“Australia is a global laggard when it comes to climate action.  Amongst the G20 countries, Australia’s emission reduction target – a reduction of 26-28% on a 2005 baseline – is nowhere near what is required for us to do our fair share in meeting 2°C target under the Paris Climate Agreement,” said Professor Stock.

“Australia needs credible climate and energy policy to accelerate the transition away from ageing, inefficient and polluting coal towards clean renewable energy and storage solutions. The NEG fails to measure up,” he said.

For more information please contact Senior Advisor – Media and Stakeholder Engagement, Kurt Hermann on 0421 007 510.

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