Climate Council community backs expert statement

21.03.19 By
This article is more than 5 years old

Thousands of Australians have now seen the Climate Council’s expert statement calling out the truth that Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution is rising, and that the Federal Government does not have a credible climate policy.

28 climate and energy experts, with 600 years of combined experience, signed a joint statement stressing that Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution is rising, and that without further action, Australia will not meet its 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2030.

Why was the statement published?

When Federal Government Ministers tried to misguide the public on greenhouse gas pollution data, the Climate Council intervened.

Australians deserve the truth. And it’s our role as a science-backed organisation to tell it.

We asked the Climate Council community to help us publish a full page ad in the Australian Financial Review – and we were overwhelmed by the response. So many of our supporters pitched in to print the truth in black and white.

Our expert statement was published in the Saturday edition of the Australian Financial Review, which has a readership of over 250,000.

Want to contribute to campaigns like this? Click here to join the Climate Council community, and we’ll contact you with opportunities to get involved.

Photograph of the Climate Council's joint statement on emissions in the Australian Financial Review28 experts. 600 years of combined experience. Hundreds of Climate Council supporters chipping in. One newspaper ad seen by thousands of Australians.

What is the truth about greenhouse gas pollution?

The truth is that Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution is rising.

Quarterly data released by the Federal Government shows Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution has been rising for four years in a row. Official government projections, international organisations (such as the OECD and the United Nations Environment Programme) and leading experts agree: Australia is not currently on track to achieve its emissions reduction target.

What does the Federal Government need to do to reduce greenhouse gas pollution?

Tackling climate change effectively requires credible national policy to drive down greenhouse gas pollution.

Australians want a clean, sustainable future powered by affordable, reliable renewable energy from the sun and wind, and propelled by non-polluting transport and food production. Australians want action on climate change.

In representing the Australian public’s best interests, the Federal Government urgently needs to adopt a credible climate policy that rapidly drives down greenhouse gas pollution across all sectors nationwide.

Read the original joint statement on emissions here