Thanks for joining us at our Climate Council preview screening of ‘Burning’, the new documentary from Academy Award winner, Eva Orner. 

Featuring in-depth interviews with our Climate Councillors, Prof. Tim Flannery and Greg Mullins, AO, AFSM, ‘Burning’ shines a light on the global issue of climate change, and the events leading up to the Black Summer bushfires.

Because while these fires were unprecedented, they were not unforeseen.

For decades climate scientists have warned of an increase in climate-related disasters, including longer and more dangerous bushfire seasons. As climate change accelerates, fire seasons in the Northern and Southern hemispheres are overlapping, meaning resources are stretched, and our emergency services are not equipped to cope.

Some images and scenes in the documentary might be distressing to some viewers, but this message is too important not to spread. To protect communities, firefighters, and our precious natural environment, we need to see urgent emissions cuts this decade, and a practical, national plan to mitigate and adapt to worsening fire conditions.

3 Actions you can take today to push the ‘Burning’ message further:

1. Ask your Federal MP to protect your community

Has your Federal MP has taken ELCA’s Community Protection Pledge? It’s a set of ten commitments that MP’s can pledge to implement – in Parliament, and in your local community. If they haven’t taken the pledge, you can send an email to urge them to take climate action seriously, and if they have, you can send them a quick note to say thank you! 

2. Donate today to power Climate Council and Emergency Leaders for Climate Action’s urgency and extreme weather work

We’re fighting to make sure Australians understand the link between the burning of fossil fuels, and worsening extreme weather. By empowering voices to speak up in the media, like firefighters and Emergency Leaders for Climate Action, providing up-to-date research and science information to politicians and the public, and holding our leaders accountable to the findings of the Bushfire Royal Commission, we’re pushing for strong action to reduce emissions this decade, and greater safety and protection for Australian communities.

3. Create some online buzz:

Post a photo from tonight’s screening with the hashtag, and don’t forget to tag the Climate Council, or share the ‘Burning’ trailer with your social networks, and encourage your friends and family to watch the documentary.

Learn more about the link between bushfires and climate change

The science is clear: climate change is worsening bushfire seasons, in Australia and around the world. The Black Summer bushfires were unprecedented in terms of scale and harm, but worse is on the way if we don’t act now to reduce our emissions. For a recap on the Black Summer bushfires, and it’s impact on Australia, check out our reports: Summer of Crisis, and Dangerous Summer: Escalating Bushfire, Heat and Drought Risk.

In the wake of the Black Summer bushfires, and in the absence of any real, national leadership from our Federal Government, Emergency Leaders for Climate Action held the National Bushfire and Climate Summit in June and July 2020. The summit brought together hundreds of experts and community leaders from across Australia and the world, and produced the Australian Bushfire and Climate Plan, a set of recommendations to address the worsening risk of devastating bushfires fuelled by climate change. 


Check out our video explainer: How does climate change affect bushfires?

Burning’ streams exclusive on Amazon Prime on Friday, November 26, 2021.

Thanks again to our partners for supporting the event tonight!