No more excuses. No more delays. No wishful thinking.
For the first time, we have a practical plan that spells out how, using proven technologies that are available today, we can cut climate pollution by 75% this decade.
Now we need you to help turn this plan into action.
Your donation will fund our multidisciplinary team of climate science, advocacy, policy, media and communications experts to:
- influence decision makers to put these achievable recommendations into practice.
- get persuasive messages out far and wide, building public support for climate action at the speed and scale we need now.
We can do this, and we’re already on the way. 40% of the power in our main national grid already comes from renewables; over 3 million Aussie households have already taken power into their own hands with rooftop solar.
But with the climate crisis now all around us we need to do more, more quickly. Our kids are depending on us.
Our Seize the Decade plan shows how we can cut climate pollution three times faster than current government plans each year to 2030.
This is within our reach, but there’s no time to waste.
Donate today to seize the decade and build a brighter future for our kids.

Donations over $2 may be tax deductible. Please use our secure online form to donate via credit card, PayPal, Direct Deposit or Cheque. A receipt will be emailed to you. Funds raised by the Climate Council are used to power our research, advocacy, and communications on climate science, impacts and solutions.
To donate over the phone, call (02) 9356 8505, Mon – Fri 9-5pm AEDT.
Please click here for more information about how to donate via direct deposit or cheque.