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Salā Dr George Carter

Expertise : Climate DiplomacyClimate science & impactsClimate Securityindigenous KnowledgeInternational Relations

Salā Dr George Carter is an international relations scholar and climate diplomacy expert. He has written widely, is part of regional and national capacity mechanisms, and a Pacific island negotiator at United Nations climate meetings.

His latest research explores Small Island Developing States (SIDS) climate security, finance and Indigenous Knowledge, with the emphasis on the prospect of Australia hosting the COP31 UN climate negotiations in partnership with Pacific island countries.

George is Senior Fellow and Deputy Head of the Department of Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University (ANU), where he is also the Director of the ANU’s Pacific Institute. His work considers how Pacific Island and SIDS states and peoples can influence decision-making processes in regional and international politics, particularly on issues related to global warming and sea-level rise. Proudly of Samoan, Tuvaluan, i-Kiribati, Chinese, and British ancestry, George holds the chiefly title of Salā in Samoa’s matai system.